Sunday, January 24, 2010


We are no longer able to play February 11th... so we are playing this instead... it is not to be missed.
Our tour had some changes... this is the most recent info...

3/19/10 CHICAGO w/guinea kid, Intifada, Manipulation +1 TBA
3/20/10 Pittsburgh w/Slices
3/21/10 NEW YORK CITY w/Confines, Vaccine, SQRM, Nomos
3/22/10 OFF
3/23/10 Western Mass w/Vaccine
3/24/10 Boston w/TBA
3/25/10 New Brunswick NJ w/Nomos, Vaccine
3/26/10 Philly w/Vile Gash, Brain Killer
3/27/10 Baltimore @ Celebrated Summer w/TBA
3/28/09 Dayton OH w/Damages